Regular articles


  1. Comparison of readout systems for high-rate silicon photomultiplier applications
    Wong, M.L., KoƂodziej, M., Briggl, K., Hetzel, R., Korcyl, G., Lalik, R., Malige, A., Magiera, A., OstrzoƂek, G., Rusiecka, K., Stahl, A., Urbanevych, V., Wiebusch, M., and WroƄska, A.
    Journal of Instrumentation 2024
  2. NL-ITI: Optimizing Probing and Intervention for Improvement of ITI Method
    Hoscilowicz, Jakub, Wiacek, Adam, Chojnacki, Jan, Cieslak, Adam, Michon, Leszek, Urbanevych, Vitalii, and Janicki, Artur
    arXiv preprint 2024


  1. Near-field coded-mask technique and its potential for proton therapy monitoring
    Hetzel, Ronja, Urbanevych, Vitalii, Bolke, Andreas, Kasper, Jonas, Kercz, Monika, KoƂodziej, Magdalena, Magiera, Andrzej, Mueller, Florian, MĂŒller, Sara, Rafecas, Magdalena, Rusiecka, Katarzyna, Schug, David, Schulz, Volkmar, Stahl, Achim, Weissler, Bjoern, Wong, Ming-Liang, and WroƄska, Aleksandra
    Physics in Medicine & Biology 2023


  1. Pion absorption from the lowest atomic orbital in ^2\mathrmH, ^3\mathrmH, and ^3\mathrmHe
    Golak, J., Urbanevych, V., SkibiƄski, R., WitaƂa, H., Topolnicki, K., Baru, V., Filin, A. A., Epelbaum, E., Kamada, H., and Nogga, A.
    Phys. Rev. C 2022


  1. Application of a momentum-space semi-locally regularized chiral potential to selected disintegration processes
    Urbanevych, V., SkibiƄski, R., WitaƂa, H., Golak, J., Topolnicki, K., Grassi, A., Epelbaum, E., and Krebs, H.
    Phys. Rev. C 2021
  2. A systematic study of LYSO:Ce, LuAG:Ce and GAGG:Ce scintillating fibers properties
    Rusiecka, K., Hetzel, R., Kasper, J., Kozani, M. Kazemi, Kohlhase, N., KoƂodziej, M., Lalik, R., Magiera, A., MigdaƂ, W., Rafecas, M., Stahl, A., Urbanevych, V., Wong, M.L., and WroƄska, A.
    Journal of Instrumentation 2021


  1. Investigation of the interaction of circularly and linearly polarized photon beams with a polarized ^3\mathrmHe target
    WitaƂa, H., Golak, J., SkibiƄski, R., Topolnicki, K., and Urbanevych, V.
    Phys. Rev. C 2020
  2. Newton’s second law analogy for the traveling wave of nuclear burning
    Urbanevych, Vitalii, Sharph, Igor, Tarasov, Viktor, and Rusov, Vitaliy
    EPJ Nuclear Sciences & Technologies 2020

Conference proceednigs



    1. Few-nucleon systems for nuclear physics
      Golak, Jacek, SkibiƄski, Roman, WitaƂa, Henryk, Ramirez, Diego, Urbanevych, Vitalii, and Chahar, Vaibhav
      Acta Physica Polonica. B, Proceedings Supplement 2023




        1. An application of chiral forces with the semi-local regularization in momentum space to the deuteron photodisintegration process
          Urbanevych, V., Golak, J., SkibiƄski, R., and WitaƂa, H.
          Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2020
        2. Investigations of the few-nucleon systems within the LENPIC project
          Golak, Jacek, and others,
          SciPost Phys. Proc. 2020
        3. The application of chiral forces to the deuteron photodisintegration process at EÎł= 140 MeV
          Urbanevych, Vitalii, Golak, Jacek, SkibiƄski, Roman, and WitaƂa, Henryk
          Acta Physica Polonica. B, Proceedings Supplement 2020